Energy tools

It's so important to create and utilize your own tool box. These are some of the tools I use everyday. Sound healing music, essential oils, sprays, palo santo, consciously creating the environment I live in. Really paying attention to what people, places and things I surround myself with, knowing what soothes my soul and I do my best to honour that. Cultivating my center, quieting my mind, through awareness, creativity, stillness, I pay attention to what brings me happiness and joy. The more I access this space inside of me, of unconditional love, beauty, connection and deep peace, it grows, I remember my natural state of well being. It becomes easier and easier to access, to return too, it becomes a sustainable frequency within me, it is me. Being an empath, I must know where my energy ends and others begin, it is crucial to my balance and being able to navigate the outside world. I put a rainbow iridescent bubble around me, that moves in and out as others enter my personal space, you create what comes to you. This is about remaining in my own energy, connection and flow. If you have forgotten to create the intention of being in your own energy, make sure to clean and clear your body and field before creating the intention. You can do that by cutting all cords to energy outside of yourself and calling back all of you, filling those spaces with your own essence. Our breath is such a powerful tool, even just stopping for a moment and taking a few deep breaths brings you back to the here and now, this is the place where all of the magic happens. Placing your hand on your heart brings you into your heart space quickly. I absolutely love water, whether I am drinking it, bathing in it, swimming, showering, running my hands under it, it clears and cleanses quickly. You can also connect to whatever water source you dream of, for me it is a waterfall in nature, this practice is also really useful before bed to clear your field of any debris you may of picked up from the day. Being and working with nature is always amazing, grounding to her core, hugging a tree, laying in the grass, going for a walk, connecting with her, talking to her, appreciating her, listening to her, aligning your field to hers, ask her to compost all energy that is not beneficial to you. Gratitude is an amazing tool, even if you are struggling, find something, anything to be grateful for, it will shift your energy immediately. You can't do any of this wrong, love is always the most powerful frequency on this planet, it brings light to the darkness, it shifts and changes everything it touches, love yourself, follow your passion, do what excites you, remember your wholeness and the rest is taken care of. Find what works for you, there is unlimited resources on the internet, always be mindful of screen time. Simply put in whatever your wanting to release or expand and a meditation or exercise will pop up, most likely from YouTube and find a fit for you, find a voice that speaks to you, that will always change, as everything does as we consciously choose to grow and expand.

So much love to you on this beautiful journey of self awareness back home into your heart and wholeness ❤️