Forget Me Not

Sharings from monthly circles…

We are natural nurturers,we take care of others, we feel and love so deeply, how incredibly beautiful.

We absolutely have to take care of our own needs first, this isn't selfish or self centred, it allows us to share from an overflowing cup so we don't become depleted or resentful. When we can identify and look after our own unique needs, all other relationships flourish because we are sharing the best of ourselves, we are coming from a balanced, harmonious space. Only we can meet our own needs, nobody else can do it for us and it's ok to change what that looks like as we go.

Let us remember, we must feel in order to heal.

Let's dive deep inside to those places we normally like to hide.

Let's support one another in our journey of discover.

Let's heal as a whole our never ending soul.

Let's heal as one and dance into the sun.

Clear communication and setting boundaries is key to being free and looking after ourselves. Saying and doing what works for us, making sure we are part of the equation. Remember, it's not what we say but how we say it, that opens or closes the door to communication. I often need to remind myself that it is thoughtful open dialogue with no attachment and heart felt listening that allows me to see differently.

Our lives are such beautiful balancing acts that always let us know where we can lean in and love ourselves more deeply. We can tune in and see what part of us is calling, gifting us the opportunity to do things differently, to move deeper into our flow, into our natural space of well being.

Wanting or expecting things in any other way, holding attachment brings some delay.

Exploring deeper, recognizing more, if l hold on too tightly l have more at my door.

Suffering appears when l can't let go, acceptance brings fluidity, movement and l grow.

Freedom is found when l enter the now, the past and future disappear somehow.

Back in alignment l can just be, this is the space always calling to me.

Back and forth the movement comes and goes, release and expansion in its own flow.

This dance becomes different the longer lm here, the space in between becomes so much clearer.

Returning so often it becomes my new now, the flow becomes gentler and softer somehow.

The more mindful we become, we can create new ways of being, no longer responding from an automatic response, unconscious programming, or ancestral patterning. A beautiful gauge is asking yourself, if you have given your power away? Are you allowing anyone or anything to be responsible for your health, wealth, beliefs and well being? Tune back in, call your power back, and always let yourself off the hook for whatever has happened, whatever you have done, said or however you were perceiving the situation to be, forgiveness is such a powerful tool.

The ancient Hawaiian Ho'oponopono prayer is an incredible gift to all of us for taking total responsibility of our lives. It is, "l'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you, l love you." Forgiving allows us to let go of old stories, old stuck energy, releasing what binds us and setting us free, it is not saying the others actions towards us were ok, but that we will no longer allow our energy to be drained and attached to those situations. We get to choose what frequency we are emanating out into the world, what note we are playing, what song we are singing. Always remember you are the first recipient to what you are feeling, be kind and gentle with yourself.

Piece by piece we reappear, one more aspect is now clear.

Heart wide open, love pours forth, letting go of old self worth.

Journey with me deep inside, open up far and wide.

Continually shedding our old skin, letting go of what we have been.

Remembering now, to our core that we are the light we are searching for.