
Women's circle Sun.Feb.27th


We all see things so differently based on our previous experiences. There are so many variables contributing to our choices it makes it difficult to understand where everyone is coming from. We actually can't even possibly know. When l get stuck in my way of thinking or if l believe it is the right way or the only way l have shifted the energy in which l come from. When l listen to others and try to understand things differently l can openly communicate without judgement and attachment. As l become more aware of the words l choose and what energy l am emanating, it changes how l am received.

Everything is energy, what we tune into we see, where our every thought goes is exactly what will be.

Mindfulness is beautiful, taking me to another place, allowing me some movement, seeing in different ways.

I can sometimes still get stuck, falling into its trap, playing the same narrative over again, without any lapse.

Sometimes it gets narrow, lm seeing just one way, l am then reminded quickly, there's others in this play.

I get to move my mind, aware of where its been, l can also change its focus and really dial it in.

I'm taking notes of how it feels, what brings it peace or starts the reels. What takes me into a mind field or eases me softly and brings forth yield.

What a powerful gift each of us hold, the opportunity to become masterminds and watch our world unfold.

If we can keep in mind that most of us are wanting a similar outcome, that we are just approaching it differently, we soften. There is a whole spectrum of being from one extreme to the other and everything inbetween, it isn't just this way or that way, the possibilities are always endless, how each of us is responding is unique. We need to be kind to ourselves and others, always remembering we are the first recipient of what we feel and express. We are responsible for our being and what we are contributing to the world. 

Crack me open, turn me upside down and inside out, shake out of me any preconceived ideas, concepts and limiting beliefs. 

Cut all that binds me so l may freely walk along the edge and exist in the all like a new born forever in the flow.

Peace is an inside job, it is our feeling of being home...a deep breath. Feeling that space often through mindfulness deepens our point of stillness, our centre, it allows us to shift our perspective. As we choose to access different frequencies more and more, a sustainable frequency unfolds within us. When we are strong in our centre it is not as easy to get thrown off kilter by outside circumstances. When we do, we are able to navigate this perceived discomfort differently and move back to our strongest resonance in a gentle way. We embrace our natural ebb and flow, seeing the beauty in all of our experiences. What is available to us never changes, the infinite flow of connection and creation is always there whether we are allowing it or not. 

May your eternal light shine so bright that you always know you are home.

May peace resides so deep inside that you are comforted and don't feel alone.

May you feel loves warmth, tenderness too, it's soft embrace wrapped around you.

May you always have everything you need, may you feel supported, held and blessed with ease.